home notes guide sources links

The links on this page relate directly to the subject matter of this site - namely, klezmer recording information and sheet music sources. I regret that I cannot accomodate every link in the world related to klezmer music in general. If you have a link you believe is relevant (or corrections to an existing link), please feel free to submit it to me at klezmer@lutins.net.

Alicia Svigals - Masterclass videos - excellent tutorials on klezmer fiddle ornamentation

Brown University Library Center for Digital Initiatives - Yiddish Sheet Music collection - includes a few klezmer tunes

Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive - information about recordings (access to actual recordings limited to Dartmouth College members)

European Institute for Jewish Music - substantial collection of Jewish-music related resources

Florida Atlantic University Judaic Collection - online collection of recordings

Hebrew University Jewish Music Research Center

Helen's Yiddish Dance Page - OK, not directly recordings or sheet music, but an important resource nonetheless regarding a topic that's closely intertwined with klezmer

Jewish Music Resource Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Jewish Music WebCenter - online forum for academic, organizational, and individual activities in Jewish music

KlezCalifornia Klezmer Style Guide - great all-around guide to klezmer concepts, including links to resources for specific instruments

Klezmer ABCs - John Chambers' extensive collection of klezmer tunes in ABC format

Klezmer Podcast - interviews with klezmer & Jewish musicians around the world

Klezmer Shack - Online resource for all things klezmer, including reviews of klezmer releases

Klezmer Tutorials - clarinet tutorials from Robin Seletsky of Big Galute and the Catskill Klezmer Ensemble

KlezNorth workshop tunes - sheet music several years' workshops

Kounadis Archive Virtual Museum: Interactions with Jewish Repertoire - Dozens of early Greek recordings with detailed notes about relationships to early klezmer recordings

LFO Hotel Catering Hall - sales of sheet music and MIDI files

MavenSearch - directory of Jewish resources

Michel Borzykowski 's klezmer resources - includes extensive bibliography & discography

Naftule Brandwein: Discography - excellent compilation (including biography) by Bea Maxwell

Old Klezmers – A historical research blog about klezmer music and klezmer musicians - resource from Dan Carkner

Robert & Molly Freedman Jewish Sound Archive - information about recordings

Save the Music - archive of Jewish music

Tune Finder - huge archive of music (including over 100 klezmer tunes) in multiple formats (ABC, MIDI, GIF, PDF, etc.)

Virtual Klezmer - sheet music & audio files (in German)